Christ has Risen!

Dear Friends,

We sincerely congratulate You on the brightest holiday of Christ’s Resurrection!

This magnificent event is indelibly etched in the heart of every Christian. The Resurrection of Christ, His victory over all the forces of evil and death itself, is the foundation of our faith. It is our imperishable hope, and it is the proof of God’s love for us. After the passions of Gethsemane, the crucifixion at Calvary, and the Sabbath peace, a triumphant Sunday morning came to pass. The price for our sins has been paid in full, the veil is torn, and the entrance to heaven is open. Therefore, in these troubled times of human history, may the eternal Words of our Savior encourage and comfort us:

“… for I live, and ye shall live.” (John 14:19).

He has Risen Indeed!