This spring, God gave our church a great opportunity to shareGospel through art exhibition “World masterpieces about the Savior” with the residents of our town. First time, brother Artem from church “Communion of Good Shepherd” showed the exhibition for us right after Easter celebration in the church yard. We got really excited about this great opportunity to clearly and simply share Gospel by describing pictures, so we decided to show it in town center the same evening. After listening Artem for several times, we started showing it to people ourselves. People were listening in groups and alone. There were people whom we know (town is small and people know each other).

Some of us invited our relatives to visit the exhibition. It was a great opportunity to talk to them about salvation.

The next two days, 6th and 7th of May, we showed the exhibition from 5 until 9 pm. Generally speaking, about 400 people of different age categories heard the Gospel in three days!!!! People were grateful for the exhibition, mentioned that never heard something like that before. They said that “we need to show this to people more” and even offered to make it regular town tradition! However, the most exciting was to hear when someone got interested in studying Bible. Some people said that they are going home to read and study stories in Scriptures, which are on the pictures afterwards.

It was a first time for me, to share Gospel in such a way and I don’t regret that I know it. I was amazed with how attentively people listened to the explanation about Salvation, about Jesus Christ. I was amazed with face expression of people, when they looked at Crucifixion. Some people did not hurry to leave after the last picture.

We are grateful God and our friends from “Communion of Good Shepherd” for the pictures, patient training, and help with organizing the exhibition.

We want to continue showing the exhibition and we have an idea to organize it from 27th of May until 9th of June. Children have practice in schools and we want to organize for them the exhibition in local museum. We need your prayer support: pray about people, who will lead the exhibition in the morning time, and about the hearts of those, who will hear the message about the Salvation..

Olga Novikova, Sarny