In May, we had a pretty nice weather almost like in the summer, and the nature at our campsite in Zalissya has come alive and become amazingly beautiful, so the soccer players of SC Nadia, who spent five days running a camp there, were very happy to be there. None of the 13 boys wanted to go back home earlier. “What’s so special about it?” – you might think. The thing is that it was a camp for the youngest ones, 5-7.
The theme of the camp was “Who Is Your Hero?” They read stories about biblical heroes and learned to follow thier example. The goal of all lessons is to lead children to Jesus Christ, He is our chief Hero. In their free time, they had various activities of a military and patriotic nature: they played military games (such as Hymars or relaying important information by a signalman), practiced military discipline, learned to evacuate the wounded from the battlefield, etc. It was both fun and useful. The children returned home with great impressions, and now they dream of going to such a camp again.

The second camp was with older boys 10-13 years old. As for a soccer camp, the topic was quite unusual, but very interesting and necessary for teenagers – “The Bible About Marriage and Sex.” They spoke frankly about serious topics, exploring the purpose of creating the human being, the purpose of God’s creation of the family, on what basis it was created, what God’s commandments are for the husband and wife, what sex is, what it is created for and why it is only for marriage. The children asked questions, sometimes giggled, but in general it was possible to establish a sincere and lively discussion. Of course, during the breaks, they played soccer, volleyball and other sports games.

Specifically in such a relaxed atmosphere of Christian camps the knowledge and skills that children receive in Bible lessons and during training throughout the year are consolidated, and their Christian worldview and civic position are formed.