June 2024 for our Christian Floorball Club SKY was very bright and full of important events because we participated in two powerful events.

We took part in the first one as participants, it was the most prestigious floorball tournament in Ukraine called Ukraine Open, which took place on June 7-9 in Lviv. We have not participated in these competitions for a long time. And this year we had such an opportunity. We played as a senior team against one of the strongest teams in our country and did quite well. For us, this tournament was not only an opportunity to play with very strong opponents but also a good time for communication as a team, because we spent three days in Lviv together: we ate, spent the night, went out for a walk, and studied God’s Word. It was like a mini-camp with floorball content for us.

At the end of the month, we organized another powerful event — Power Camp on one of the city’s school grounds, where we usually have our floorball practice. This day sports camp took place for 6 days and in which children could play ten sports, including floorball, of course. During the camp, we studied the Bible on the topic of time: how we use our time and that the most important use of time is to learn about Christ and His saving sacrifice for our sins. There were more than 70 children in the camp who participated in various sports and heard the gospel every day. The threefold goal of the camp for us was to build a deeper relationship with the school administration, to recruit new children for floorball training, and to share the Good News with the children.

Thank you very much to everyone who prays for this ministry! We desperately need your prayers, because we are weak without God. Please continue to pray for the spiritual and quantitative growth of the leadership team, for the change of children’s hearts involved in floorball, and for the recruitment of new children with whom it would be possible to further build relationships and share the gospel with them. And also pray for a floorball camp to be held in July so that God can powerfully impact the hearts of children through His Truth.

Vitaly Bakunets