This year, the Lost Christian youth camp was held from July 8 to 13 in the village of Oleksandria, in the Rivne region. The theme of the camp was Lost Change, which refers to changing our way of life and our habits. Leaders and mentors tried to show teenagers and young people the importance of changes in us, as well as how not to lose enthusiasm in this difficult process. Each Bible lesson illustrated an algorithm of actions for quality changes in life.

50 young men and women from different parts of Ukraine had the opportunity to spend time in the camp: 20 of them were for the first time, and many participants of the camp did not yet know Christ personally. A team of 20 people made every effort to create a comfortable atmosphere and make the Word study classes and recreation as enlightening and useful as possible for everyone.

Every morning, the camp participants would gather for exercises after which they would get “charged” and ready to start a new day. At the Bible classes, the stories of repentance and pseudo-repentance of biblical heroes were considered, because in order to start all other changes, you need to make the major change in your life, namely, to be born again.

The evening program was led by Vitaly Bakunets. Pavlo Rudenko preached the Word of God on the topic discussed during the classes. The agenda allowed for discussions and debates on biblical topics with other participants and mentors. They also had time when they could play various games, fellowship and enjoy being together.

The kitchen workers tirelessly prepared the tastiest and heartiest meals. There was a “Coffee House” in the camp. The atmosphere was very relaxed and friendly. On the last day, no one wanted to leave. Everyone said goodbye and promised to return next year. Many participants reflected on repentance and talked about it one-on-one with mentors.

Sofia Mazur

Some girls left their comments about the camp:

“I’m Lana, I live in Rivne. This year I came to Lost for the first time, although it’s not the first year I’ve heard about it, because I attend the Community of the Good Shepherd church. The camp was very cool, the campsite and location, the sermons and everything were just tip top. The design of the notebook (the way the questions are structured, the opportunity to think) and the people are very sincere and nice. I am grateful to the team for absolutely everything they did, because it requires a lot of strength, starting from the games and ending with the sermon, so every member of the team is simply did great!”

Svetlana S., 16 years old


“My name is Eva, I’m from Kamianske. I was in Lost for the third time. I learned about the camp from my friends, with whom I was there for the first time. I really liked the atmosphere and people, everyone is very different, but it’s very interesting with everyone I learned at the camp that it is much better and easier to work on myself, and He is ready to help us with this. I want to thank the team for the interesting information and the very tasty food) Probably the only thing I didn’t like was that that there was not enough time – I would love to spend there more than 5 days in the camp.”

Eva M., 15 years old