The Grand Opening of the 24th missionary conference of the “Community of the Good Shepherd” Church took place. On the first Sunday, the eight-day celebration of the Great Commission of our Lord’s Jesus Christ has begun.
These special days each year are necessary for us to remember and renew our understanding of the mission and our dedication for this ministry. At the service the hymn “Go, teach all nations!” was sung for the first time and we hope it will catch up many hearts.
Sergey Kirilenko pastor of the missionary church, who came to our conference from Ivano-Frankivsk preached on the key verse of the conference “… that the Gentiles by my mouth should hear the word of the gospel, and believe.” (Acts 15:7 KJV)
At the morning meeting, ministers from Primorye shared how God saves small nations of people living in the Far East. On the first day of the conference, we traditionally held two meetings. In the evening, there was General Worship where we also were able to listen to the testimonies about God’s work and prayed for the Church in Middle Asia.
Tatyana Arterchuk