“Oh, aaa…when are you coming back again? Oh, and what are we going to do tomorrow? Oh, are you going to dye our faces? – with such a questions we were met and chased every day until we would say goodbye. It was an evening camp titled “More precious than gold”, that has been held in Kiev since June 20 through 24. We had about 15 children coming on the daily basis, but they were not the same ones. Throughout the camp we’ve learned together with kids about the lives of many renowned athletes who regardless of their fame and accomplishments had attributed all their wins to God.

Every evening we were starting with cheerful games, what actually drew all kids from the courtyard. Afterwards we all sat down in a circle on the parachute and listened to interesting stories from the life of Christian Athletes. At the end of each meeting for children was waiting a surprise. We were making animals out of the beads, coloring the faces, playing wet volleyball, painting the magnets. And, on the last day we have treated to everyone an ice cream and did not want to leave until late.

Once we were engaged in an interesting conversation with a girl of eight years by the name Carolina. We spoke about the fears and nightmares. Sister Sveta is one of the mentors, told her that when you are scared, you should ask God for protection and peace in the heart. Caroline responded that she used to knew a couple of prayers taught by her grandmother, but now she barely remembers them. Sveta said to her that God does not need memorized prayers, He likes when people turn to Him just with a simple words. She told her that God is alive and He wants us to talk to Him as to a living God. Caroline said that she will pray.

We ask you to pray for these children, so that the word that they heard changed their hearts. Also, pray for us that the Almighty gave us wisdom of how to communicate the gospel to children.

Ira Plyva