Help to the children from the orphanages

IPO “Hope to People” is participating in social and educational work, which aims to help the orphanage children in the Rivne region. This includes Bible lessons, organization of different celebration events, distribution of humanitarian help, cooperation to provide medical help, financial support of further education of orphanage graduates, and camps during school breaks.

Such a work is being conducted regularly in two orphanages: Klevan orphanage for children with sight defects (since 2000) and Mizoch orphanage for children with speech defects (since 2001).

Ruslana Kovalchuk is teaching the subject “Christian ethics” for 3-6th grades in Klevan orphanage every Tuesday and Thursday (program approved by the Ministry of Education of Ukraine). The orphanage has a classroom for Christian ethics, which has nice posters, materials for classes, and literature, which not only students, but teachers can take to read. Since 2010, the group of Christians from Rivne has been visiting the orphanage every Sunday to give Bible lessons, which are open for all interested, both children and teacheers.



Jura Bondarchuk is sharing the Gospel with children in Mizoch orphanage and Mizoch gymnasium through sports ministry. In 2009, the Christian soccer club “Stream” was organized. More than 30 children participate in it.




Members of many Christian churches are participating together with mission workers at the social ministry. Foreign brothers and sister provide a big help, particularly the Second Presbyterian Church from Memphis and their representatives John and Marilyn Whittemore.