On October 16-17, 2023, employees of the Department of Christian Ethics, Ruslana Kovalchuk, and Arkadiy Slyoza preached the gospel to students and teachers of Zhytomyr region, using the exhibition of reproductions of famous artists’ paintings “The Life of Jesus Christ in Works of Art.” They visited the villages of Markushi, Obukhivka, VelykaPyatihirka, Raihorod, and the town of Berdychiv.

On November 20, the evangelism with the exhibition of paintings began in the Sarnensky district of the Rivne region. The first ones who got to see the exhibition were students and teachers of Sarnensky Lyceum # 5 and Gymnasium # 3. If the Lord allows, our ministers are planning to visit 28 educational institutions in the district.

During each presentation of the exhibition, sister Ruslana, interestingly and inspiringly talked about each painting in particular, making a single storyline: Jesus Christ is the Savior of the world, and His birth, life, death, and resurrection are of incomparable importance for all humanity, and for every individual.

After the end of the exhibition, visitors will bepleasantly surprised by the distribution of some gifts: Arkady Slyoza offers all those who wish, teachers and students, a Bible, a New Testament, a Bible for young people, and Christian literature as a gift.

Please pray that people’s hearts will be good soil for the seeds of God’s truth!