The Lord is very kind and merciful! You especially realize this when you go through various difficulties and trials…

Due to the epidemic, the ministry of brother, Yuri Morokhovets, was very limited and it became more difficult for him without ongoing personal fellowship. But, despite the quarantine conditions, he had the possibility to meet with people in person and counsel them. The Lord has also provided him with some spare time that he could use for personal reading and studying, which will surely be useful in future ministry.

Praise the Lord that He keeps the church in His hands!
People became more appreciative of the corporate worship and the opportunity to be together. It used to be the norm, but after being separated from each other and having fellowship online only for many months, people realized how important it is to be together and encourage one another through hymns, prayers and mutual service.

In fact, a lot of people lost their jobs, and unfortunately, Yuri’s wife, Svetlana, lost her job as well. But the Lord has not forsaken His children and cares for them.

As soon as the summer arrived, the church, by the grace of God, had an opportunity to come together outside of the church building in a gazebo that was made at the courtyard. New people began to come to the services and became interested in the Gospel. Some small groups have been restored, and people started studying the Word more thoroughly because they came to realize how important and exciting it is to study the Word together.

Please continue praying for the ministry of brother, Yuri, that the Lord will support, give strength and health; pray that the Lord would strengthen the health of his wife, Svetlana, and give her a job; that the Lord would unite the church at this time of the epidemic and teach them to accept everything as from His hand.

Ira Solyanyk