Employees of our mission continue to make trips with the Good News and humanitarian aid to the military units that protect us on the eastern front of Ukraine. We are trying to get various churches and volunteer organizations involved in the ministry not only from the Rivne region but also from other cities of Ukraine. This time they asked us to bring them medicine for a cold because there are often no drug stores within a radius of 150-200 km on the front line, and military medics are directing all their efforts to help the seriously wounded.

Please pray for the salvation of the military with whom friendship has been established. We also ask you to pray that God would strengthen our brothers, who are serving in the army at the front, in faith, so that they could show Christ to their comrades, and also that the Lord would call on more chaplains and volunteers from the evangelical churches, who could bring not only food, medicine, or clothing, but also the Word of God. Also pray for the Ukrainian Church, that after the end of the war, it would be ready to host, understand, and serve the men and women who went through the horrors of the war, so that it would not shun them, because they need the gospel and special care in the process of their emotional recovery.