Our minister, who serves the non-Christian people in the Middle East with Ukrainian brothers went to one of the countries of the Caucasus to baptize the new believers.

First, these are new converts who fled abroad and settled in one of the neighboring countries. There is a great opportunity to hold weekly groups with them, gather for worship, and preach to them in their native language. They really appreciate any opportunity to learn more about Christ and the practical life of the church. Please remember in your prayers a refugee pastor and his wife, who serve the refugees at one small Christian community.

Second, the believers from the Middle East who cannot participate in church sacraments in their homeland will come specifically to this event of baptism. After a small seminar on the basics of the Christian beliefs, they are willing to enter into a Covenant with the Lord through water baptism and return home even though they know that they can be exposed to persecution.

Two brothers who were baptized last year are now in prison. Please pray that the Lord will strengthen their faith in the face of trials and would provide His support for them! They experience a serious shortage of mature ministers in their homeland, because almost all strong believers, who are actively involved in the ministry, are either arrested or forced to flee abroad.