The Lord God is the Savior of all the nations. He wants people of all “tribes, nations, and tongues” (Revelation 7:9) to be saved. To this end, He sends out His faithful servants to different places in order to preach the message about Him.

I suppose you have read before in our updates about our brother, Sergiy, who serves in a remote village in the Khabarovsk Territory, among the people who have not yet heard about Christ and as a result, live inconstant fear of spirits. Although his ministry is very challenging, the Lord blesses him in many ways. Lately, we prayed a lot for his ailments and, by God’s grace, our brother is feeling much better now. We praise the Lord for providing Sergiy with the place to stay although it needs to be remodeled, he is happy that there’s a house.

Because of the epidemic, people are afraid to come together, but the Lord gives our brother the opportunities and wisdom to communicate with them personally in their homes. And as a result of this activity, he can see the first fruits. Some people have started reading the Word of God on a regular basis, and they have many questions, so it is evident that the Lord is working in their hearts.

We’re thankful to God that in September 2020, brother Yuri Morokhovets was able to visit and encourage brother Sergiy and the people he serves. After such meetings, people become more zealous and begin to read and study the Word with a great desire, but after a while their eagerness passes. Pray that God will give ministers who would come to them more often and encourage them to be more diligent.

Earlier, we shared about a sister who had an accident and who needed urgent and serious treatment. Thank God she has returned home and is getting back to normal. As she stayed in the hospital, she had plenty of time to read the Scripture, so now she is trying to clarify a lot of Bible questions with brothers. We see that the Lord is working with her heart. She helps in ministry, and through her, the Lord opens up new opportunities for the gospel.

Please keep praying for this people group, for brother Sergiy and for the people he shares the Gospel with. As the winter comes it gets really cold there, so this is the most harsh season for the villagers in the area where he serves. Pray that the Lord will give strength, good health, and wisdom to our brother as he ministers to these people.

Iryna Solyanyk