Dear friends of “Hope to people!”
It’s a gracious time in Ukraine. The Lord opened the door for many years for the Gospel in our country and no one can close it, as long as He holds it open. Recently, the Lord opened it even more wider. The Word is being preached, opportunities are increasing, but there is a desperate need for laborers and resources are limited, but God knows what He does. What it requires of us, just to trust Him!
The end of the summer and the beginning of September – appeared to be especially hot, both literally and figuratively. The temperature is 30 degree high outside, and our ministry is filled to the limit with various events, most of them are inspiring and pleasant, although on the way we face some frustrations. But both of them, are replacing one another, which only strengthens and confirms continuous and comprehensive Father’s care and manifest His perfect wisdom in love. Praise the Lord for everything!
The service in the area of education
Ministers of Educational Department “Hope to people” – Alexander Bondarchuk and Arkady Sloza participated in educational conference which has been hosted for the staff of education of Sarny district, Rivne region, where has been addressed the issue of initiation of the subjects – spiritual and moral course in a secondary schools of this district. At September 23 we visited the All-Ukrainian Conference of workers of preschool institutions “Day of preschool education” organized by the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine. At these events, our staff workers had the opportunity to hand out the magazine “Word to the Teacher” and the program for kindergartens about parenting based on Christian values, which has been tested in the city of Yugnoye of Odessa region.
A new set of students
A new academic year has started with blessings. The family of Bondarchuk accepted new guys from boarding schools Mizoch, Alexandria, Tuchin. The couple is again from the scratch teaching a new kids the skills of household, introducing them to prayer, reading the Bible, Christian values. Please pray about the guys who have finished their course and left the family. We ask God’s mercy on their future life, and most important, that they will reconcile to God.
God is preparing a strong team of Gospel preachers
We would like to express our thankfulness to all those who participated with your prayers, and other financial investments, are involved and continue to participate in the life and ministry of the School of Biblical Preaching in Rivne. In September has been held the 2nd session. The course “Principles and practice of working with the Scriptures” has been taught by Andrey Danilovich Rezunenko. An in-depth study of the texts of Scripture, as well as the study of the basic rules of work with the text – it has been the main focus of the course. There were 63 students from seven countries at this session.
Even to the end of the earth: East Asia
The missionary family from Central Asia has finally fulfilled their trip to East Asia for the ministry to one of the Muslim people groups, that compactly living on its territory. Due to the similarity of the language and their acceptance, there is an opportunity to proclaim the Gospel within this culture. For us it is a new unexplored path with all its joys, concerns and unexpected twists. The first few days are showing that it will not be easy. The authorities prescribed a lot of control rules and attention. From now on, this family is the object of our constant prayers.
Missionary family S. at the same time was forced to leave the country in Central Asia, where they were ministering. The authorities did not allow them to extend their stay in the country. Currently, the family S. is settled in a neighboring country. By the way, there are living many representatives of the people to whom they were evangelizing before. They did not lose heart and hope to continue their ministry.
Europe: people in search of happiness, God in quest of souls
Gradually is expanding the geography of our missionary fields. Besides the first steps in Asia, we begin to make a first steps in Italy, in particular the city of Caserta, near Naples. In this town, where live around 87,000 people, 10,000 Ukrainians and there are still a lot of representatives of other Slavic nations and former Soviet republics.
Dear brothers and sisters, thank you for your support and participation. Please pray for the trip of our brothers to Armenia, about the ministry to teachers and students of schools, about the ministry of the Gospel through sport, about the ministry to orphans and graduates of boarding schools of the Rivne region, and about salvation of the orphans who hear the Word of God, about God’s protection of missionaries, especially in countries where the church is undergoing persecution, about an awakening among migrant workers in Europe.
We wish you the abundant blessings of God!
Taras Prystupa, Tatyana Arterchuk