“… it is clear to you that summer is coming”
Luke 21:30

Serving to the Teachers

The employees took part in the regional conference for the teachers on spiritual education of schoolchildren in Rovno. Teachers of secondary schools, students of the Institute of Postgraduate Teacher Education attended a seminar in the IPO «Hope to People», where they heard about a prayer, had master classes on Christian ethics, got  acquainted with the Christian pedagogical periodicals.

Teaching preachers

Thanks God for the wonderful session of the Biblical Sermon School, where some brothers from Vancouver taught the students. Vitaliy Rozhko taught the material «From Exegesis to Exposition”. 56 students from Bible schools from Rovno Ukraine, Russia, Belorussia, Moldova, Italy, France and Poland took part in this seminar. Please pray for the
next session «Systematic Theology», which is planned in October.

Ministry of Orphans

Valentina Bondarchuck visited the 2nd international congress «Heart for orphans» in Brest. 54 delegates from Rovno took part in this conference. Here, at home, Valentina first shared a full testimony of her life and how God
led her to a decision to devote herself to serving the orphans.

Summer school grounds

Summer began with Christian day camps, where, the employees of the «Hope to the people» and the volunteers played and communicated together with the children and shared the Word of God with them. Some studies have already done, some are still on the way. Please, ask, the Lord to send enough people for this sacrificial service to schoolchildren.

Christian camp for widows and orphans

Thanks to the participation of brothers and sisters from the Second Slavic Church, from Sacramento and volunteers from Ukrainian churches some women and children whose husbands and fathers perished in the ATO on Donbas (the region in the eastern part of Ukraine where the current war is taking place) will be invited to the Christian camp to Zalesye. Please, pray the Lord to give the whole team God’s wisdom to comfort those souls, to serve them, to share the Gospel.

Evangelism of the Kurds

How great and wonderful everything what God is doing! We thank everyone who responded and supported the organization of Easter events for Kurdish children. In spite of all difficulties, God awakens the Yezidi Kurds who live in the mountains of Armenia. It is very difficult for the brothers-evangelists to get to these villages; they do not have their own transport. Please, pray that they can regularly go there as those people do need and wait for them.

A visit to India

The representative of «Hope to the people» visited three large cities and several tribal villages in the jungle in May with the mission of encouraging our brothers and sisters. He saw there great material needs of ministers and oppressed believers. People often lack water and food; some Christians bring tithes with a handful of rice, as they have nothing else. Many believers are illiterate and are on the verge of starvation and survival. Still there are children’s and orphan ministries, the ministry of evangelism from village to village, they walk from one village
to another, or go by bicycle, if they have one. People often lack water and food; some Christians bring tithes with a handful of rice, as they have nothing else. They are very happy that Christians came to visit them and are waiting for new meetings. Pray that God will strengthen their faith.