The traditional summer recreation camp for players of CSC Nadia and their families was held from July 29 to August 4, 2024, in the village of Zhorany, Volyn region.

25 participants of the camp lived in small houses on the shore of Lake Zhoran, swam, got tanned, played volleyball, and soccer, wandered in the forest, tried to catch fish, and in the evenings gathered around the campfire to study the Bible. The theme of the camp was “Test Your Faith.” Every evening, both children and adults had a wonderful opportunity to determine how faithful they are, how strong they are in faith, and whether they are believers at all. Every day they read and reflected on one chapter of the Epistle of James, and after that, the children were involved in some individual assignment. The weather was great. The food was very delicious, and every day there was some kind of surprise from the family that was on duty in the kitchen. Thank God for a very good and useful time!

The camp I have been waiting for all summer was in Zgorany. After leaving the meeting place at 11:10, my friends and I talked, joked, and played games all along the trip, so the time passed quite quickly. Upon arrival, we quickly settled in our rooms and went swimming. On the first day, the water was as nice as the weather itself. After swimming, we went for dinner. After dinner, we had a Bible lesson, in which we were told about the topic – Test Your Faith.

Then we had free time, some played pioneer ball, and board games, some just rested.
In the following days, we went to play soccer twice, but I did not like this camp because there were not enough soccer players to play with.
We also went swimming several times every day. On the beach, we were all enchanted by a grandmother with donuts, they were so delicious that I couldn’t help eating them. Probably, this business is very active for her in the summer. This is the time when she is very busy 🙂 I also really liked shooting with an air rifle, I hit the cap as many as 3-4 times.

I was very glad that there were not many mosquitoes.
Also, during the camp, we learned how to start a fire.
On the last day, we cleaned up the territory and went back home.”

“This year I visited the camp for the first time. I liked everything: the food, the nature, the lake, the houses we lived in, the people we met there. Every day was special and interesting in its own way. The only thing I didn’t like was that the water in the lake was cold and that the camp was over so quickly, I wish it had been longer. Thank you for this wonderful week at the camp!” (Anya Hrystiuk)

“This year was the first time I visited such a camp. I was waiting for it for a long time, and I had many expectations. Even before we left, I already managed to meet one of my neighbors. The trip went very well. I really liked the house in which we lived. I really liked the forest and the scenery was incredible. I liked that everyone was friendly in the camp. The lake was not far from where we stayed, although the water in it was cold. But over time you get used to the temperatures. Also, there were almost no mosquitoes, even though we lived in the forest. Of course, the food in the camp was very good, and I am very grateful to all the people who cooked. I really liked the Bible lessons. They were interesting and understandable. I also learned a lot from them. The individual tasks that we did became useful for me because thanks to them I understood myself a little better. Also, after the camp, I liked some things that I didn’t like to do before. I had the opportunity to communicate with people of different ages and personalities, and I heard a lot of new and interesting things from them. I received many incredible emotions, and I really wanted to stay there as long as possible. I am very glad that I visited this camp, and I hope that I will be able to do it again next year” (Sofia).