We thank God and praise Him for the development of the evangelical ministry in Armenia! In addition to corporate worship services, there are men and youth gatherings, as well as the small group ministry is in great progress. During one of these groups in Yerevan, where believers study the Gospel of John, a friend of the owner of the house came over. He started asking various questions about God and it was a good opportunity to share the gospel with him. Simple and informal communication is one of the advantages of small groups.

The group in Kakhtsrashen takes care of one Yazidi family who currently lives abroad but plans to return to Armenia. They constantly stay in touch, speaking over the telephone and praying together. This group includes new converts who are preparing for baptism. There are three of them. Please pray for them that God will prepare their hearts and minds for this ordinance.

In Vanadzor, meetings are held twice a month in a social dormitory and in trailers where low-income people live. About 100 children, as well as many adults, have a desire to meet more often, but there is not enough room. Despite this, there are already people in Vanadzor who have believed and repented, and there are those who are willing to get baptized. Praise God!


One of our employees continues to conduct a children’s Bible club in a village where Yazidi Kurds live. Each time, at least 25 children gather in a specially equipped cabin. The children’s gathering is stable, except when it rains or the weather is bad in the mountains. People go from neighboring settlements on foot, so it is not easy to get there in rainy weather. The brother is sincerely grateful for the financial assistance that was sent, thanks to which they are planning to start working in the yard and repair the road to the trailer so that it will be more convenient to walk or drive up to it.

There are also meetings for adults every Saturday. Mostly young men come. There are already those who believed and were baptized.

In some Yazidi settlements, our minister is already being treated with respect. In one village, a Christian gathering takes place in a house located literally fifty meters from the place of worship of the Melek Taus idol. Thank God for that! But in other villages, people are still aggressively opposed to Christians. Please continue to pray for the salvation of the Yazidis and the preaching of the gospel to this people group!

Special Prayer Needs

  • Friends, continue to pray for Nagorno-Karabakh, it is still under blockade. However, there are good testimonies from our brothers and sisters that people there are very open to the gospel, and many trust their lives to Jesus Christ. Pray for the strengthening of their faith and trust in Christ.
  • Pray for sister Nvard, Karo Stepanyan’s wife – she has been ill for a long time and is currently undergoing a course of physiotherapy. If it does not help, then doctors recommend surgical intervention. All this has to do with significant financial costs, which the family does not have.
  • In July, Christian camps are going to be held for teenagers and young people in Kakhtsrashen, and day camps for children in Dekhsut and other Armenian villages. Please pray for these activities!