Before the last day of the annual missionary conference (Sunday, January 27) there are a lot of cheerful events. After all, its main activities are the children’s missionary conference and the youth meeting.
Just before the conference, Sunday school teachers began to tell children thematic stories about William Carey’s life and missionary work. Now there is a good chance to practice all the gained knowledge during the two-hour “missionary quest.” Thematic game for children “Gospel to the peoples who don’t know the living God” is held in rooms. Each room is decorated according to a specific country. People from Central Asia, Armenia, China and India welcome the guests in the rooms. The teams receive the task to bring the Bible to different nations.
At the end of the quest the Word of God reaches India where children distract “local people” from idolatry and share the Gospel with them. At the end of children’s missionary holiday there is a party with plenty of oriental food. Children are called to mission in the future. They are also encouraged to bring the Gospel to nations where it hasn’t been heard and where people don’t have the Bible in their own language. On Sunday (January 27) missionary guests will come to the Sunday school classes to interact with the children.
At the evening youth meeting participants talked about short-term missionary trips. There were young people who have already visited other countries and served in other cultures, completely different from their own cultures. They shared their impressions and experiences with us.
Tetyana Arterchuk