The sixth day of the 24th mission conference was filled with events and meetings almost as much as the previous days.

In the morning, a women’s meeting with the wives of missionaries and pastors, who’re serving in other countries, took place at the church Community of Good Shepherd. Personal memories, testimonies, God’s lessons from everyday life shared by Svetlana Morohovets, Lyubov Nikonenko, Olga Dehtyareva, sister Nina from Central Asia and other sisters strengthened and encouraged the local Christians in the faith. At that time, the men’s and missionary meetings were going on as well.

In the evening, everyone got together for a traditional missionary banquet, which turned out to be uncommon by its middle Asian style. Two our dear brother-missionaries, who serve the people of the East, prepared with their own hands an excellent pilaf that everyone could eat it as if they were participating with them in God’s cause in Asia. During the feast, we’ve heard testimonies, prayed, and thanked for short-term missionary trips to the small indigenous peoples of Siberia, for the ministry in the republic of Tyva, for the ministry of evangelism in Poland. The preacher, pastor, Igor Levtsenuk, turned to everyone with a challenge to renew their dedication to a living relationship with Christ and fulfillment of His Great Commission.

The celebration of the Great Commission is a great opportunity to remind ourselves of its content in order not to become lukewarm in the Gospel preaching, but rather to be more passionate for the Gospel proclamation to the other nations. The Word of God teaches us to honor the evangelists in a special way, since they left their relatives, their homes, their possessions in order to serve others in a foreign land. Therefore, a missionary holiday is also a good opportunity to encourage the church to support missionaries.

Tetyana Arterchuk