Pastor Rafi Issa s a minister of the Arab Christian community in Kyiv. He conducts seminars on evangelism for students of mission schools and members of Christian churches. He is engaged in media ministry on the Arab Christian YouTube channel, translation of Christian literature and street evangelism.


Rafi is originally from Syria. He was born into a family of Orthodox Christians. At the age of 17, Rafi asked God for help, if He exists, and God answered his prayer. At the age of 19, Rafi had a dream about Jesus and He said that He wanted Rafi to be with Him. Rafi thought that by performing religious rites, he would fulfill the Lord’s request.


Later, Rafi graduated from the conservatory in Damascus, majoring in oboist and piano player, and entered the master’s program at the Kyiv Conservatory named after Tchaikovsky.

At the age of 28, he finally surrendered completely to the Lord and found true liberation in Jesus.

Rafi is a master of theology in the field of Christian leadership, studied at the Evangelical Theological Seminary in Kyiv.

In 2013, Rafi became a pastor of Christian Arabic Church.

Since 2021, Rafi has started a media ministry in Arabic via a YouTube channel.