Media Ministry in Farsi

Brother Mani Mohammadi is grateful to everyone who prays for him and for the ministry of preaching the gospel to his people. When the war broke out in Ukraine, he had to move first to Europe, then to the USA, but wherever he was, his goal remained the same: to expand the ministry and find like-minded people to preach the gospel to Farsi-speaking people.

Our brother continues to communicate and mentor disciples in different countries. Every week, one day he holds personal meetings with 70 disciples who also have their disciples, on the second day he leads group training (online), and on the third day, he broadcasts the public preaching of the Word of God through social media. Every week, Mani works on the preparation of didactic lessons and sermons, as well as holds mentoring meetings for Persian church leaders in the diaspora. In addition, he constantly prepares content and updates pages on social networks. Mani continues to pray for the establishment of a media studio to prepare programs, books, interviews, sermons, and evangelism in Farsi.

By the grace of God, in the last few years, brother Mani has been able to systematically study, interpret, and preach the gospel of John together with the Persian brothers and sisters based on the collection of sermons by pastor Oleksiy Kolomiitsev. Each sermon was translated by Mani into Persian, edited, and prepared for the proclamation within one week, then from the video studio he conducted an online broadcast through a secular YouTube program. At the same time, he hosted his broadcasts from other online platforms, keeping the videos freely available.

This series of sermons was a great blessing for brother Mani personally, as it helped him to know our Lord Jesus Christ more deeply, rooted him in understanding that Jesus Christ is truly God and his personal Savior, that only through the transformation of hearts by God’s mercy and grace, changes in the life of His disciples begin, and only in this way will God’s Church be built.

In total, 109 sermons were prepared. About 40 thousand viewers had the opportunity to watch these videos online and offline.

The Persian Christian church is a young community that needs to grow and understand Jesus Christ more deeply. Expository preaching is one of the important tools entrusted to us by the Lord to provide Persian believers with quality spiritual nourishment. Therefore, brother Mani intends to turn this collection of sermons on the Gospel of John into a book to help Persian preachers better understand each chapter. This book will have about 500 pages. He is planning to publish it in two volumes. Please pray for the implementation of this project, which will take 4 to 6 months to complete.

Praise God for the great things He is doing among the Persian people!

Please remember the persecuted Church of the East in your prayers!

If you are interested in participating financially in this important and great mission for God, you can support the Persian ministry.