It’s hard to believe that another year has gone by already. It was real fast!

And thanks to God this year became a great blessing for the young, Russian-speaking church Grace of God. First and foremost, the Lord gave us to see the fruits of the Gospel preaching! We were overcome with a great joy along with two baptized sisters who repented in our church this year. Their conversion was a miraculous act of God’s providence, which expressed itself in the precise and timely resolution of various situations, including some “adverse circumstances.” It really humbles me and makes me want to bow down over and over again, before the wise and sovereign Lord!

This year, we, as the church, experienced many blessed moments in teamwork, in training, in attending conferences and seminars, in work and leisure, in men and women’s services, in small groups and at the church services, in youth groups and at the meetings of the Good News Club, in our joys and sorrows. The Lord has taught us to be sacrificial, and keep our eyes open to the needs of the missionaries.

We believe that God, in the first place, wants us to grow deeper to be profound Christians. And, we also hope that He will multiply us numerically as a church in due time. So for some reason, God has brought people in our church, most of which are believers already. Although, we were and are still striving to be the “fishermen” of the dead souls, the Lord apparently has a different plan for us. The flow of immigrants from Ukraine continues unabated, and we can really feel this unending flux here.

Praise the Lord Jesus Christ for every soul that in a visible way becomes a part of His Body at the Grace of God Warsaw Bible Missionary Church.

Our dear friends and co-workers, we thank God for you and for your participation! Above all, please continue to pray for the spiritual growth of our congregation. Please also pray for those projects that we have already started – youth services, a children’s club, outreach through paintings, and course of spiritual growth for brothers “Timothy.” Also, please lift up your prayers for the ministry in one town near Warsaw. One of the Polish churches invites us to serve our countrymen there, using their Sanctuary.

May the Lord’s will be done!

Your brother, 
Alexander Illin