The testimony of a converted Muslim


“I could not make a human out of you. Now you can live as you want, “- said the father, addressing his eldest son. Haz (on a picture with missionary children) really was “difficult”, a disobedient child. It was hard for his father, who had many children. His father worked to feed six children and his mother was managing the home.

From childhood, I started stealing. Because of the theft, I was expelled from school. The transition to evening school had no effect on me. I kept having fun with my friends, stealing, smoking, and just wasting my time. At the age of 17, I was convicted for the first time. The court gave me 5 years! I stayed in prison from start to finish. In prison, I was a rule breaker. I was not ready for rehabilitation. I could not count on amnesty or a humane attitude.

After being freed, I continued the same life. It became even more sophisticated, because I started using drugs. Two years later, I was condemned again. At this time, I had to stay in prison for 7.5 years.

When I was under investigation, I saw Jesus in a dream for the first time. I was standing in a field and saw a man falling from a great height. I had a feeling of pity, because in a moment this man will die, and I cannot help him. In a moment, it became very light. Jesus caught the falling man right near the ground. I had such a thought in my head: “Jesus Christ, a Russian prophet, saved this man.”

When I woke up, I could not understand the meaning of this dream, so I forgot it very soon. I was convicted and sent to prison for a determined time. There I again saw a similar dream. Later I met a man who told me about Jesus Christ. I started reading the Bible. I could not understand what was happening in my heart. Everything was turning around. God touched my soul. I realized that I am a sinner, learned that God forgives my sins, and was touched by the person of Christ.

It was 1996. Six months had passed since I started reading the Bible. At some point, I just had a great desire to accept Jesus as my Lord and Savior. In one day, I quit smoking, drinking, and using drugs. There were believers in prison. I began to talk to them and go to their meetings. I was the first Uzbek, who believed in this prison. My friends, acquaintances and everybody else were surprised. God gave me the courage to witness to them about Christ. Some of them believed. At that time, the dream came to my mind and I realized that I was that hopeless sinner, who was falling down.

I’ve finally found a real joy and meaning in life. I wanted to quickly leave the prison and start over. This happened a year later.

While I was in prison, my father died. My mother was already old. Two of my brothers started using drugs. After returning home, I asked their forgiveness. Things started to change. My life was now devoted to God.

At first my mother repented, the my two brothers and a sister. I was happy. I started to work, and to lead worship meetings.

Obviously, there were some difficulties too. Sometimes doubts crept into my mind: it is alien to our culture to be a Christian. But God showed His miracles, gave confidence in my heart, and strengthened me in the Scripture. Soon the fog of uncertainty cleared, I received answers to my questions.

At first, I had difficulties with relatives. Two sisters were trying to convince me, asking and begging me to abandon my faith. But I replied that I will not be able to change, that the faith has changed me. I found purpose, meaning, and everything I need in Jesus, so I cannot turn away from Christ. He gave me what I could not find.

Three months later, I was asked to visit the area policeman, and he sent me to the city police department. They asked me questions about my past in their office. In reply, I told them about my faith. They were angry: “You have committed many crimes, we’ll show you what we want. We promise you.” One of them wanted to throw marijuana in my pocket, but I caught his arm. They immediately called witnesses, “signed the verdict,” beaten me up, and send me to a cell.

I did not understand why this was happening, because everything has changed! But then I remembered the book of Job, and said to myself: “I do not understand why this happens, but I believe that there is the goal. God help me to keep my thoughts together.” Then my heart calmed.

I was under investigation. I received a Bible from home. I was testifying. God did miracles, healed the prisoners. One man believed.

I was given two years. I spent a year and a half in prison. It was a difficult place. All the time, God was preparing me for the ministry. I learned a lot there. After returning I married and became a pastor. Now I have a family and four children, three boys and a girl. We can say that God “compensated for the lost years.” He blessed!