Peace to you! Thank you for supporting us prayerfully during our trip.

Every time we go there, I plead with God to demonstrate us that all this is not in vain. And every time God gives some kind of meeting or fellowship, when you just want to cry and praise Him. And then I understand that I cannot do anything with my own strength, but He does everything by Himself. At this very moment one passage comes to mind from Romans 11:36: “Everything is from Him, to Him and to Him. To Him be glory for ever, Amen.”

God kept us safe in both ways. As we were driving there, our trip was cut short at the border and we had to stay for one hour in the long line exposed to the sun, but we were not asked many questions. On the way back, we were very lucky to go through the border quickly, which was probably the first time ever.

When we finally got there, we went near the sea. The sea was inexplicably calm and placid. After all preparation, a bustling trip and all sorts of thoughts, God seemed to say to my heart: “My peace I give you… let not your heart be troubled” (John 14:27). Then all week there were trips, meetings and conversations about the further ministry, but this sense of peace from God remained in our heart.

On the next day came our dear brother. I do not cease to thank God that He gave the desire to Volodya and his family to serve this unreached people group. Our brother takes advantage of every opportunity to share about Christ and visit different families in order to read the Scriptures with them and help them to grow spiritually. In most of the Oriental cultures, there is a special attitude to the family and therefore it is very important to work with families. So, God answered to this need. Volodya and Olya (his wife) travel from time to time together with their children to see families (sometimes driving 400 km a day) and help them to understand the Scriptures, to experience the Almighty and teach them to build relationships with Him. Please pray for this family, so that they would always have something to say to those who need the Word of God, and of course to have the necessary means for transportation. At times, there are just not enough finances to put the gas in the car and go to a place where people desperately need to hear the gospel.

We were able to visit a several families. In some families, there are handicapped children. We had a special feeling of gratitude to God as we always come by a family in which a while ago only wife was a believer, but now the husband is a believer too, as well as one son and daughter-in-law, they are all the children of God. Please sustain this family in your prayers, because they really need a fellowship, guidance and your extended prayer support.

God also blessed us to meet with teenaged girls, who we met with in summer camps. It was an unexpected meeting near a local school, where many children converged from different schools of the district. God sometimes does “little” miracles in our lives to show us that everything is in His hand, whatever we humans plan…, His ways are unsearchable!

Also we were able to get acquainted with one pastor of the Evangelical-Lutheran community. He became the pastor of eight churches at once, which are scattered all over the peninsula. This pastor Sergey really wants to do more for the Lord than he does now, but does not have the necessary support in the church. Pray for him and our possible future cooperation with him.

There is one more thing that I especially ask you to pray for, is about the summer camp for families in which there are disabled children. In the past year, there was held such a camp on the seashore. And it was a blessed time of fellowship. Many families have become more open to the gospel and started coming to Christian meetings. We are planning to run a similar camp this year too, but we have no money whatsoever for this. Please pray that God will do a miracle and we could hold this camp. Many Muslim families do not believe that there are believers amidst their own people, but when they come together, they serve as evidence and support for each other. The handicapped children experience such a great joy when they can play together, swim in the sea and sing songs.

The churches from the peninsula convey big greetings to You, as well as give thanks that You remember them, keep them in Your prayers and let the team come to them. They desperately need our support and encouragement.

Irina P.