The springtime for the Christian club “SKY” is a season of competitions, especially for our junior teams.

At the end of March, we participated in the first round of the Edge Christian Adolescent League, where two of our teams participated, children under the age of 12 and 15. Training of the souls and bodies of young guys this time gave the results. And both of our teams won two matches. But, we keep on repeating what God says in His Word, and what helped us to be sure many times: God opposes the proud but favors the humble. Sometimes, you see different kinds of reaction on the field, both victories and defeats provide the ground which can be used to speak to the children’s hearts, based on what God says, showing them their sinfulness and pointing them to Christ as the sole resolution to any problem. The truth they hear twice a week at each training can be used an applied in such circumstances.

In one week after these competitions, we traveled with the same teams to the third round of the Christian Precept Floor Hockey league in the city of Lutsk. As usual, we had a good chance to stay there for two days and again we had the opportunity to share lunch with the boys, cooking and eating together. Also, we got to be together at the worship service, got to hear the Word and to sing, praising our Lord Jesus Christ. These are very good opportunities and blessings for the boys to be in the church, otherwise, they would have never come to the church.

Also, this month, with the help of God, we have accomplished what we wanted for a long time. We held a championship for girls in the school where we use the gym for practice. The purpose of this event was to recruit a team of girls. We always wanted the girls to be engaged with the girls. And by the grace of God, we already had some training for the girls’ team, where they hear the gospel and practice floor hockey.

We thank God for everything He does through this ministry! We ask you to pray for the girl’s team and ask God’s will for this ministry for the girls so that they would hear the Word. Please pray for a team of ministers engaged in the ministry, so that God will grow them and make them steadfast and loyal to Him. Also, pray for those boys and girls, whose hearts were changed by God already, so that they would keep following the Lord. Please pray for those who have heard a lot but still want to live their own way, so that God will soften those hearts for His glory.

Vitaliy Bakunets