The Lord is good to those whose hope is in him, to the one who seeks him

Lementations 3:25

Christian Ethics Workshop

Ethics and Christian Ethics teachers who took classes for their skills development at the Rivne institute of postgraduate teacher training, became guests at the Hope to People ministry. Such meetings are regularly organized by the Hope to People department of Christian Ethics and Vitalina Danylchuk, an assistant professor of the department of social and humanitarian education of the Rivne institute of postgraduate teacher training. Our staff member and teacher of Christian Ethics Ruslana Kovalchuk gave a class From Heart to Heart which demonstrated how to form life skills of the students through Christian Ethics. Other staff members of the department of Christian Ethics participated in this event: Arkadiy Slyoza, Valentyna Bondarchuk, Nadiya Dolya.

Word to a Teacher at the Festival About the Word

Arkadiy Slyoza, head of the Christian Ethics Department, attended the 14th All-Ukrainian festival-competition Outstanding Teacher of the Spiritual and Moral Classes. It took place at the National University of Ostroh Academy on March 28-29, 2019. Arkadiy came to present the magazine Word to a Teacher. The event theme was Word About the Word. “In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God.” (John 1: 1).

 Why Is It Hard to Pray?

It often happens when you start to pray, your thoughts fly away and it is hard to concentrate on what you pray about. Why does this happen? We were pondering this question at our prayer seminar which took place in Zalissya at the end of March. Representatives from five churches of our association attended the seminar. It was such a joy to see each other. People from Rivne, Zdolbuniv, Sarny, Ivano-Frankivsk, and Kyiv gathered to think about prayer. Pastor Ihor Plyva prepared a great material which made people think.

Soccer Season Is On!

The end of March was marked by a three-day tournament of the Christian Soccer Association of Ukraine. The 2019 season opening took place on the field of the Christian Soccer Club Hope in Rivne. Boys from eight Christian soccer clubs from eight different cities of Ukraine were present.

“… Year after year, boys came to soccer practice and listened to Bible lessons. Perhaps they didn’t like it or they didn’t quite understand what we were talking about, but every time they listened to God’s Word for 10-15 minutes. Their lives began to change and have meaning …,” says Oleksandr Honchar, head of the Christian Soccer Club Hope.

Турнір "відкриття сезону 2019""… В своїй практиці я замічав таку річ, що хлопці які ходили до нас на тренування і слухали біблійні уроки, можливо воно їм не подобалось або ж не розуміли про що йде мова, але по 10-15хв вони чули Слово Боже, і так рік за роком- і їхнє життя змінювалось, їхнє життя набувало сенсу…" Oleksandr Gonchar можливо не точно, то пробачте😊

Gepostet von Illia Sosnovskiy am Donnerstag, 28. März 2019

 Three Years of Grace in Warsaw

A new Bible church God’s Grace in Warsaw has marked its third anniversary. There are a lot of emigrants, migrants, and students from the former Soviet Union in Poland and especially in Warsaw. All of them understand and speak Russian. Having come to a new country, they often encounter loneliness, unfairness, and problems they didn’t expect. It’s a good opportunity to turn their attention to Christ and tell them that their life matters to Him and that He loves them. Oleksandr Illin does that. Oleksandr was given this pastoral ministry in 2016 and on March 20th the first service of a new church was done.