We thank everyone who participated in preparation and conducting the spring session in Rivne Bible College.Taking into consideration the difficult political situation in the country and after a lot of prayer and consultations, we have still decided to conduct the session and the Lord has blessed this decision. The theme of the spring session was “Pastoral Ministry”. We have invited Sergey Timofeev – pastor of the church in Dneprodzerzhynsk as a teacher. Students said, he’d coped brilliantly with his tasks. Students studied the Word of God together searching the Biblical foundations of the Church and pastoral ministry with an emphasis on the personality and the role of the pastor to pay attention to the principles and practice of various aspects of pastoral ministry.

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Here are a few comments about the session:

– We’ve received a lot of wonderful theoretical material that is necessary for practical use in serving to the church;

– The Gospel of Christ has become much easier to understand and to share;

– The teacher has placed a great emphasis on the Christ-centered life of the believer;

– We really liked the simplicity and sincerity of the teacher’s heart, his respectful attitude to the students, love for God and a desire to understand Him;

– We were able to learn by heart a lot of important texts and a this was a special blessing;

– Material of the subject were systematized, they were easily digestible, very practical and relevant to the modern church.


All students and the staff of our college express our sincere gratitude to the International Public Organization “Hope to People” for assistance in conducting the session, also we thank all who prayed, supported us morally and financially.


Pray for preparation and conducting the next session, which is planed on the 21-30 May 2014. The theme is “The History of Church,” the teacher is  Sergei Kirilenko – he is a pastor from Vinnitsa.


For lots of students this will be the final, graduation session. Pray that they could close all their debts and get diplomas.

V. Arterchuk