Although summer is a time of vacations and rest not only from school but also from playing floor hockey games. But we, meaning our Christian floor hockey team SKY, tried to spend this time fruitfully in many ways.
In early July, our team, including couches and boys from the team, some of whom are assistants and some just participants, held a day camp at our church building for 5 days. The topic of our study was the book of Jonah followed by lessons on what led him to disobedience to God. There were many games, emotions, joys, and growth in the character of our older teens, who have already helped us.
Initially, several players and coaches of the team went to our Christian youth camp, where we studied on the mazes of life that cause young people to be trapped into, and that the only way out of these sinful things that are destroying life is our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.
We also played various sports, including floor hockey, but the main thing was that the boys, over and over again for 5 days, could hear the clear gospel and build relationships with the youth from the church.
Later in the summer, we had a trip to the final Precept league competitions in Bucha, Kyiv region, where we spent two days and had the opportunity to serve in a youth camp where we heard the Gospel again. And the next day we competed, where, by the grace of God, we were able to win the cup and medals, taking 2nd place in the categories under 12-15 years respectively. And in general, it was a good time when we could spend two days together, seeing the lives of children and teaching them different things.
Immediately after arriving home from the competition, boys from the team under 13 years went with us to a children’s church camp. Where we, also for 5 days, were unpacking the mysteries of an amazing book called the Bible. We have talked about the gospel and its impact on our lives. We lived together and had many opportunities to speak on different topics and to teach them in different practical situations.
During July and August, we had a chance to go twice a week to our campground in the village of Zalissia with teenagers from a team where they learned to work together, to make money, starting every day from studying the Word of God, from the Gospel of John. During the work, you get to know a person very well and it helps to build relationships, and you can also talk about different topics of life. It was a good time that brought us even closer in our relationship with God. Another highlight of this summer was the senior team’s preseason meeting in late August. It was taking place for three days, where we worked hard both physically and spiritually. Every day, we had the 2-3 physical training and 2 spiritual training, where we talked about whether we live as we speak based on the message of the Apostle Paul to the Ephesians. We talked about whether we believe in Christ and really follow Him, and if not, what hinders us.
We thank God for such a rich summer for our team that we spent much time in the Word. And we ask you to pray for the boys and girls who heard the message will change their hearts and lives. Some of them are already professing faith in Christ. Pray that they firmly follow Him and His commands. Also, pray for those who are now hesitant that God will break into their lives. We especially ask you to pray for the leadership of our ministry so that they may be faithful disciples of Christ and would make new disciples. Please pray that children will not give up after the summer but ask God to bring new ones. And also, if there is a will of God, pray that we could start another team at another school in the city where we can train our children and preach the Good News to them.

Vitaliy Bakunets