The next issue of the magazine “Word to the Teacher” # 1/2021 on the topic “Heaven – A Myth or A Real Place” was published. This is the first part of the general theme “Heaven,” to which we decided to dedicate 2021. It is not in the school curriculum on Christian ethics, but experience shows that children, and often adults, are very interested in the afterlife: “What is the Kingdom of Heaven?”, “Will Everyone Make It There After Death?”, “Who Are the Celestials and What Do They Do?”, “Is There Any Contact Between the Inhabitants of Heaven, Earth and Hell?” etc.

Working with our steady authors and searching Christian literature, studying the works of the Church Fathers and modern theologians, as well as using the work of practicing teachers, we try to find the answers to all these questions.

Since this topic is not of one issue, but of the whole year, we encourage everyone to join us in compilation of the next edition by sharing your insights and materials, or by submitting interesting questions. Please feel free to contact the editorial office by email –

Nadiya Dolya