Dear friends, sorry I’m a little overdue, but still, I’d like to express my Christmas greetings, and say: May God bless you abundantly in this New Year!

The Lord remains faithful in His goodness to us! Just unexpectedly, we managed to get more than 30 Christmas gifts for children’s Christmas matinee. Until the last moment, I was not sure whether these gifts would be allotted to us or not, that’s why it was impossible to make advertisement and invite children to this matinee. But, thankfully to God, a week before the event, we were told that there are gifts and we can come to get them. The Lord is always faithful and good!

But, actually that was not it, the trials just were getting started! A family, who prepared the program, have experienced at this time the most severe attacks of satan. They were subjected to some health issues, problems at work, and in relationships – all this jeopardized the celebration of the holiday. However, even in this moment our God showed His mercy to us – they managed to prepare very well for the matinee and conduct it for the glory of the Lord! There was a story of the Savior’s Nativity, and they also presented the reason why God needed to incarnate. There were games and contests, as well as entertaining questions. Most of the invited children were from unbelieving families. However, they listened with a great interest and were engaged in discussion. Many children were there with their parents, who could hear the Gospel as well. But, of course, at the end we were giving away the gifts to children and, had a sweet table for everybody. I also had an opportunity to meet a new people and I hope that God will give us another opportunity to share the Gospel with the again. Please pray that the Lord will bless us in this adventure.

I’d like to share with you another blessing that God gave us recently. At the initiative of several of our brothers, we decided to begin practicing in this year “devotional breakfasts.” It will be morning meetings on Saturdays for the purpose of mutual edification through joint prayer, reading the Word and a short 10 minute sermon by one of the brothers. At the first meeting, there were six brothers who decided to arrive at 7 am and spend about two hours praying, reading and meditating on the Word, fellowshipping with each other. I hope that these meetings will be held regularly and will serve for greater personal spiritual growth, as well as for the spiritual growth of our entire community.

Thanks for your support! Blessings to you, dear friends!

Lovingly, Your brother Oleksandr Illin.