Greetings to you, dear friends of the Hope to People Ministry!

Thanks to the 23rd missionary conference in Rovno, which gathered many ministers from different parts of the world, we are presenting this special missionary news.

«…so that through me the message might be fully proclaimed and all the Gentiles might hear it…» 2 Timothy 4:17:8


God’s Grace Church in Warsaw

We thank you for the regular prayer support of this church. By God’s mercy, they were able to move for the worship meetings at one of the Christian churches in the town. They can meet for worships after 2 p.m. though. Here you can see the new address of their meetings.


Ministry in Italy

Yaroslav is dedicated to serve in the Italian town of Caserta. He preaches the Gospel in the streets often, runs a Saturday club for kids, preaches, practices the ministry of compassion and mercy. Yroslav and his family need to extend their permission to stay in the country. Without waiting for his documents, Yaroslav risked and arrived to the 23rd missionary conference in Rovno where he testified about God’s work in Caserta. We are thankful to our Lord for wonderful blessings of this ministry!


Ministry to the Kurds and Yazidis

Please, keep praying for the ministry to a pagan nation of Kurds and Yazidis that live in the mountains in Armenia. Our missionary Artur Marandyan with a team of Armenian and Kurdish ministers preach to this nation that lives high in the mountains in the villages that are isolated from any civilization. Our ministers ask to pray for an outreach conference for the Kurds and Yazidis in March as well as for the finances for the ministry development, since the country suffers from difficult economic conditions.


News From the Russian Far East

Our minister Yuriy Morokhovets had a very complicated heart surgery. We are thankful to many friends for their prayer support. His condition is normal now though he will have a long recovery process. We are encouraged that young brothers at the church in Vladivostok took over the ministry while the missionary has been sick and the pastor had a trip. The ministry in the Udege village is developing well. Ivan and Sergey visited Vladivostok in order to pick up Christmas presents that the churches had prepared for the Udege people the missionaries serve to. A Bible club for kids The Good News began to work in the village.



Ministry to the Migrants from the Non-Christian World

A minister from Syria, who involuntarily lives in Ukraine, had a very difficult brain surgery. This event has become a good reason to unite prayer efforts of the Christians from different countries and has shown God’s glory in the life of this man. Our fellow workers in the outreach field testify that a number of students and workers from non-Christian countries is growing in the big cities of Ukraine and they need the Savior. Having accepted Jesus, these people will share the Gospel with their relatives and friends when they return back to their countries, and thus the Good News will spread naturally.



Life of Christians in the Middle Asia is Getting More Difficult

They experience backbreaking fines for unauthorized home groups, prohibition on Christian literature, sudden checks and agonizing police summons without explanation. These are all sad realities of the life in Asia. Please, support the ministers in prayer. We do not mention their names for the sake of their safety. Their needs are to be strong in faith, God’s protection from the persecutions, God’s strength for the exhausted and weary, for the wisdom for those who because of their religious work are in trouble with the law. We ask you to pray for a sister who God used a lot to save many women. The sister has been diagnosed with a terminal illness.


Eastern Asia is Tightening the Rules

We receive prayer needs for God’s protection from the Eastern Asia. Every new instruction from the government limits the rights and freedoms of people. Foreigners are “pushed” out of the country, limiting their contact with local people. Locals are constantly checked “for safety purposes”. There are many reasons for detention. In addition, converted local people experience pressure, condemnation, and threats from their relatives and friends. People are afraid to have Bible or other Christian literature in their homes. The ministry is developing only thanks to God’s miracles, zealous hearts of the servants, and persistent prayers of the Church.


Tagairi Tribe in Ecuador

Indian tribe of Tagairi in Ecuador are on the verge of extinction. They have approached a critical point when it is thought they have several decades only (some sources consider that the tribe consists of about 30 people). They know nothing about salvation. They have gone deep into the jungles and are fully isolated from the outside world. They are very aggressive towards foreigners. Literally, Tagairi are perishing. They are being exterminated. Salvation is in the hands of the Lord, but we, Church of Jesus Christ, are His hands! Let’s surround them with prayer wall and the love of Jesus Christ! Please, pray for their salvation and that the Gospel will reach them in time!


India – New Horizons for the Ministry?

We keep receiving news about life of our brothers and sisters in India. Please, join us in prayer for realization of the plan to run an outreach soccer camp for village kids with participation of our ministers this year, and also for the opportunities to counsel and help tribal communities that live in the mountainous states of the country.


Ministry to the People in the Far North

The preparation for a long-term missionary trip to Yakutia (Sakha Republic in Russia) is going on. We are raising money to send a missionary family and to equip them with everything necessary for the life and ministry there. Please, pray for God’s blessing of this project.


The prayer information was made by Tatyana Arterchuk, Angela Cochran