The family of our faithful servants has been serving in Central Asia for many years. Over the years, they have learned that the best method of evangelism is through discipleship and personal relationships.

Now the political situation in the country has changed for the better, the country has become more open to everything new, and more and more information about the country itself is released on social networks. This opens up new opportunities and at the same time poses new challenges for our ministers. Previously, they could only gather in small groups or one-on-one, and in this way, they would communicate the Word. Now, when they noticed that people are willing to listen and receive new information, although they are still looking for their personal gain in everything, our ministers decided to become even closer to the people they want to serve. The Lord blessed them to start their small business – they are making high-quality natural soap. Because of this, they were able to enter the community of craftsmen who also make various products with their own hands and are engaged in various types of art. The family rented premises in a place where many different craftsmen are gathered. Now they can make their product and communicate with other craftsmen, show through their lives that they have different principles and values, and then through that offer people a deeper connection and discipleship.

Our minister says, “Discipleship for me is not just the way of communicating information, because now there is a lot of information everywhere, but discipleship is the conveying of a way of life, it is an opportunity to show and tell what is right and what is wrong, what is true and what is not. It is very important and it disciplines you when you understand that through your life people will see Christ. This is a great responsibility. Specifically, in this setting, you understand well what the words “from faith to faith” mean when you show people the light and image of Christ, and the disciples are to follow the same image. What we have received from Christ and His life and His nature, we pass on to others not only with words but with our very life.

Our ministers already have many acquaintances and friends with whom they meet regularly. Everyone knows that they profess Christ, but this does not get in the way of communication, on the contrary, people are interested in learning more. Thus, working in the workshop helps to make new friends, build friendships, and share the gospel.